People have different ways of perceiving and behaving in the workplace, and these different worldviews each add value to decision-making, leadership, and organizational effectiveness. This instrument was developed by Judi Neal, Ph.D. and Linda Hoopes, Ph.D., based on the research reported in Judi Neal’s book Edgewalkers: People and Organizations that Take Risks, Build Bridges and Break New Ground. This research identified five major worldviews that people hold towards change in their organizations. We call these the five “Archetypes of Change.” Your responses to this questionnaire will be used to create your Individual Archetypes of Change profile. Understanding your own relationship to change can be helpful in guiding you to build on your strengths and your unique way of contributing to your organization.
Thank you for your participation! Sincerely, Judi Neal
Informed Consent and Data Privacy Your participation in this survey will entail approximately twenty minutes of your time and is strictly voluntary. You may refuse to participate, or choose to stop your participation at any point without any penalty or negative consequences of any kind. There are no known risks involved in taking this questionnaire. All that is asked of you is to simply participate in the survey. Completion of the questionnaire will indicate your consent to participate. The information you provide will be treated confidentially; all data will be kept in a secured file by Resilience Alliance. You can review a copy of Resilience Alliance's data privacy policy here.
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